Look, I'm back already! Turning over a new leaf? Probably not, but I'll be hopeful that I'll get in a few more blog entries in March :)
I don't know if I've mentioned that I have 2 jobs here. One, obviously, is teaching my 3 lovely ladies. They continue to make me smile everyday with interesting questions that I often don't know the answer to (student: "what color does brown and pink make?" me: "uhhh...pinkbrown?") and shower me with gifts of their artwork and silly bands. (That was today's gift!)
However, I do have a second job working as a part-time administrative assistant for the head of the Staff Care and Development Team (SDCT) from CRM. (The agency I'm working with) The main responsibility involves processing their monthly expenses, gathering receipts, etc, etc...not the most exciting aspect of the job, but after the first month's disasterous attempt (when I'm pretty sure the finance department wanted to hunt down this new Kate person who mixed up all the receipts and emailed monstrously large PDF files by accident that couldn't be opened), I am proud to say that I improved enormously by the next month and hopefully redeemed myself in the eyes of the finance department!
Anyway, all this to say that in this other job I have been delegated the task of putting together a website for people who come to Spain to visit the SDCT team.
When have I ever put together an entire website??- was my first thought. But thanks to Apple and iWeb, it's actually rather easy! I've been considering switching this blog to a custom made website, actually, where I can easily post photo albums and links and all sorts of exciting stuff! (But that's pending...you can see how good I am at updating this blog, so let's just stick that idea in our back pocket for now, shall we? ) But I am enjoying learning this program and some of its intricacies. Now, before you all start lining up to have me create your websites for you ;) let me say that I'm no expert...yet. Seriously though, it's something I never thought I'd do and I am enjoying playing around with different features and design layouts. It's a loooong way from done, however, so I'll let you know when (if) it's ever completed. And I need to add, it's totally a group effort. I'm plugging info into the site and arranging the text, etc, but others are doing a lot of research for the site!
And now for some photos. (Which I could put in an album on my someday-website. sigh.)
SCIENCE!! Test tube gardens...first you grow these magic crystals that turn from little salt-like rocks into big squishy things, then you plant a seed in them. So fun! (thanks, dad!) I think the girls' favorite part was growing the crystals and squishing them around... |
Me in a funny hat...Lily and I went to a place with little artisan booths for artists from Malaga and Morocco, and at one place the man insisted that we both try on this hat, which I think is traditionally used in a type of dance costume. How could we resist? |